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3kb library for tiny web apps



Lucia provides a declarative API similar to Vue to create views, making development predictable and intuitive through markup-centric code.



When the state is changed and trapped by the observer, the internal AST will automatically react and will update and render the new view in realtime.



Lucia is extremely light and performant as it renders directives only if necessary by skipping static nodes through element references.

Get started in seconds

Lucia allows development to be completely done in the markup, allowing you to focus on code, not abstraction hell.

To get started with Lucia, import this CDN link as a script:

Easy to get started in seconds
Easy to update

Easy to Maintain

Writing small-scale applications shouldn't be hard. Lucia helps you write simple, declarative, and unopiniated code, while having a light footprint on performance.

Lucia not only supports markup oriented code, but also supports APIs for JavaScript usage, such as components, state access and more!